by Sarah B. Bromley, M.S. CC-SLP | Sep 8, 2023 | Student Learning + Engagement
Hopefully we have all been in at least one IEP meeting where a collection of team members sat around a table sharing their insights, hopes, goals, and action plans for a student. A meeting that didn’t feel rigid like some IEP meetings can feel, but rather flowed like...
by Sarah B. Bromley, M.S. CC-SLP | Sep 8, 2023 | Student Learning + Engagement
When you think about the different members that make up an IEP team, the classroom teacher is often the one who can provide the most holistic insight for a student. The classroom teacher interacts with a student in almost every environment in a school building,...
by Sarah B. Bromley, M.S. CC-SLP | Sep 8, 2023 | Student Learning + Engagement
When I started my Clinical Fellowship, the learning curve was steep. Not only was I getting used to being a part of the workforce, and answering people’s questions like I had a clue what I was talking about I was also adjusting to being an adult in a lot of little...
by Phương Liên Palafox, CCC-SLP | Sep 8, 2023 | Eligibility
IDEA, Injunctions and Intentions “Exhausted. We have been putting in the work for our students, and my teams are tired. Now, we just found out that we are significantly disproportionate.” The setting doesn’t really make a difference but the sentiments always hold the...
by Trish Geraghty | Sep 8, 2023 | Law
I remember the spring day that the Endrew Decision was released like it was yesterday. This was a BIG deal in the world of special education and many special education directors spent the day refreshing their computer screens waiting on the decision. I know I was....